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Guns N' Roses - Collector's Box [2 DVDs] auf DVD ausleihen

Originaltitel: Guns N' Roses - DVD Collector's Box
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leihen: 3,00 €
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Format: DVD
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"Guns N' Roses" - der Inbegriff einer Rockband! Sie verkauften über 50 Millionen Alben allein in einer erfolgreichsten Zeit. Mit ihrem einzigartigen Sound und Image konnten sie nicht gestoppt werden. Selbst heute - ohne neues Material - zählen sie noch immer zu den erfolgreichsten ihrer Art. Mit ihrem noch vor Ostern 2008 geplanten Album "Chinese Democracy" sollten sie den Erfolg ihrer besten Jahre wohl erneut erreichen.
Diese 2 DVD Collector's Edition beschreibt das ganze außergewöhnliche Leben und die Karriere der Mitglieder von "Guns N' Roses". Nie zuvor gesehene Konzertmitschnitte, seltenes Film- und Bildmaterial, Interviews mit ihnen und denen die sie am besten kennen, lassen dieses Set zu einem Muss für jeden Fan werden.

"Axl Rose - The Pretties Star"
As frontman with the most important Rock band of the past 20 years Axl Rose was worshipoped by millions as a near Christ-like figure and many still regard him as one of the most important Rock music icons of the 20th century. Since the demise of the original Guns 'n' Roses line up rumours and speculation of a triumphant return have dominated the music press. But with recent live dates being met with critical acclaim and positive reviews and new material now being introduced into the band's set, the extraordinary legacy of Axl Rose is ripe for re-appraisal.
"Axl Rose - The Prettiest Star" is the first ever documentary to reveal the true story of Axl's life and career, from his earliest days growing up in Lafayette, Indiana, through his escape from abuse and neglet via music and onto his incredible success with Guns 'n' Roses. The film continues by documentaring Axl's more recent activities including the recording of the eagerly anticipated "Chinese Democracy" album.
Laufzeit: 60 Minuten

"Guns N' Roses - Sex N' Drugs N' Rock N' Roll"
Bursting out of the LA rock scene in the late 1980s, Guns N' Roses have come to epitomise everything that a rock n' roll band should be. And the fans love them for it. What other group could go almost 10 years without a new album and still pull massive crowds for every live event? On "Sex N' D rugs N' Rock N' Roll" we go behind the scenes to discover what it took for Guns N' Roses to become such icons of the genre. Taking the cameras where they've not previously been, we present an uncensored look at a truly exceptional band.
-The complete and unauthorised biography of Guns N' Roses
-More than forty minutes of interviews with the band and those close to them.
-Exclusive and previously unseen film footage.
-New 'insider' revelations on the band.
Laufzeit: 60 Minuten
Produktionsjahr: 2003
120 Minuten
Technische Infos - siehe Einzelteile •
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